《葉問4:完結篇》Ip Man 4: The Finale

"葉問"在近10年的歷史中佔據了很大的一部分, 詠春也因為葉問系列被發揚光大, 聯想詞詠春=葉問, 葉問=詠春, 字幕一出現就是滿滿的中國風, 想讓人來一杯烏龍茶這樣, 前面的一小段鋪陳, 是描述葉問要到舊金山幫兒子找學校,但是華人圈裡必須要得到中華總會會長的推薦信, 才能讓當初那個小小騎著腳踏車的兒子阿正可以入學(葉問1:爸爸~媽媽說,你再不出手,花瓶都要破啦)

" Ip Man " has occupied a large part in the history of the past 10 years. Wing Chun has also been carried forward because of the Ye Wen series. The wind, I want people to have a cup of oolong tea. The previous paragraph is a description of Ip Man going to San Francisco to help his son find a school, but in the Chinese circle, a letter of recommendation from the president of the Chinese General Assembly must be obtained. Ah Zheng, who is riding a bicycle, can go to school (Ip Man1: Dad ~ Mom said, if you don't take another shot, the vase will be broken)

到了美國舊金山唐人街, 徒弟李小龍當然得一見, 果然有李小龍的地方, 免不了就要見證這位一代宗師的拳腳功夫, 帥氣自信賊笑的表情, 無人能敵。

When he arrived at Chinatown in San Francisco, of course, his apprentice Bruce Lee had to see it. If there is Bruce Lee, he will inevitably witness the boxing and kung fu of this generation of masters, the expression of handsome and confident thief smile, no one can match.

唐人街存在著一直以來被西方關注的重心, 種族歧視這個詞在這裡也被發揮的淋漓盡致, 不管哪個國家, 唐人街永遠是衝突區, 在這裡可以看到亞洲人的民族堅持與東方慣有的沉靜個性, 包含言談、舉止、各派武術、生活方式, 無一不讓人著迷, 這就是龍的傳人。

There is a center of gravity in Chinatown that has always been the focus of the West. The word racism is also played out here. No matter which country, Chinatown is always a conflict zone. Here you can see that the Asian people insist on the quiet personality that is customary in the East Including talk, manners, martial arts, and lifestyles, all are fascinating. This is the descendant of the dragon.

實話說外國的月亮真的沒有比較圓, 而且, 忍不下去, 就 不 要 忍 了 ! 不公平不公正不會因為時間國度消失不見, 當然battle對決一定要的, 片中葉問與

中華總會萬會長, 以及跟美國空手道教練之間的武打場面, 簡直屏氣握拳到快要站起來, 很想建議這部片應該要採取站立+木人樁觀看模式XD

To be honest, foreign moons are really not round, and, if you ca n't bear it, you do n't have to bear it! Unfairness and injustice will not disappear because of the time and kingdom, of course, the battle must be a battle, the middle of the film asked President of the Chinese General Assembly Wan, and the martial arts scene with the American karate coach, held fists and held fists almost to stand up. I would like to suggest that this film should adopt the stand-up + wooden stakes viewing mode.

其中貫穿劇情的人物就是中華總會萬會長的女兒萬若男, 如果沒有若男, 這部片無法連結, 而吳建豪就是在劇中沒有連結的人物,可以大膽的猜想到編劇當初在編排劇本時, 其實先設定的是武打動作場面, 人物是因為武打場面才出現的, 但是我們愛的就是武打場面, 所以劇中醜化對手, 加強民族意識的對決味道才會鮮明,雖然達到了效果,另一方面卻也小小缺憾的表現出不太均衡的一面。

The character that runs through the plot is Wan Ruonan, the daughter of the President of the Chinese General Assembly Wan. If there is no Ruonan, this film cannot be connected, and Wu Jianhao is a character without a connection in the play. I can boldly guess that when the screenwriter was writing the script, in fact, The martial arts action scenes are set first. The characters appear because of the martial arts scenes, but we love the martial arts scenes. Therefore, the taste of the confrontation that uglyizes the opponents and strengthens the national consciousness will be clear. Although the effect is achieved, on the other hand Also a little lack of regret showed a less balanced side.







Bruce Lee hurry up and indie a movie, blow the Chinese and Western with a handsome face!

Scenario arrangement (60 points)

martial arts action (100 points )

In the film, you can speak your own language, regardless of whether you speak English or Cantonese or Chinese. The other party can understand( 200 points ) 



Echoes after the show: if Ruonan and A Zheng can actually match the concept by the way

導演 葉偉信
主演 甄子丹
配樂 川井憲次
攝影 鄭兆強
剪輯 張嘉輝
製片商 東方影業
產地 香港 香港
語言 粵語


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    Molly 壹44

    Molly 壹44

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