決戰中途島 Midway,這是一部發生在第二次世界大戰的真實故事,就在珍珠港事件後,真實故事發生在1942年,片中沒有太多花俏的場面,甚至制服都是符合當時時代背景,是老舊的那種,甚至劇中人物的另一半,頭髮服裝都是非常保守的。Defeat Midway Midway, this is a true story of the Second World War. Just after the Pearl Harbor incident, the real story happened in 1942, there were not many fancy scenes in the film, even the uniforms were in line with the time. The background of the times is the old one, and even the other half of the characters in the play, the hair and clothing are very conservative.

劇中描寫的人物都不是強要當英雄,而是每一次飛行員在飛行時都是抱著再也回不來的心情,置個人生死於度外,他們也想回家,也想回家陪老婆,小孩,但是國家生死更是他們的責任,這就是前線人員在戰地最寫實的事情之一。The characters described in the play are not strong to be heroes, but every time the pilots are holding their own feelings when they are flying, they are born to die, they want to go home, they want to go home with their wives. , children, but the country's life and death is their responsibility, this is one of the most realistic things for frontline personnel in the battlefield.

片中用俯衝衝擊式的方式攻擊日本軍艦,這種俯衝飛行的技術令我緊握拳頭,巴不得要幫飛行員往上拉飛機拉桿,如果不幸在天空就被擊中,抱著必死的決心也要俯衝撞擊日本軍艦,日本首領在當時還說"那不是真正的突擊人員,美國人沒有那麼勇敢"。The film used a submerged impact to attack Japanese warships. This technique of submersible flight made me clench my fists. I wanted to help the pilots pull up the plane. If I was unfortunately hit in the sky, I must bear the determination to die. Dive into the Japanese warship, the Japanese leader said at the time that "it is not a real assault, the Americans are not so brave."

美國故事的描素大部分都是英雄式,但是在片中每個人都不覺得自己是英雄,沒錯,這就是真英雄! 後來在日本首領帶領下,果然發現自己已被美軍猜測中戰略,這一戰奠定了第二次世界大戰中,影響太平洋戰爭中最重要的一個環節。Most of the American story is heroic, but in the film everyone does not feel that they are heroes, yes, this is the real hero! Later, under the Japanese tie, I found that I have been guessed by the US military, this World War I laid the most important part of the Second World War that affected the Pacific War.

依靠著攔截解密,每一個國家都有自己獨特的摩斯密碼,攔截到還需要做解密,包含國家不同語言不同,述說方式不同,要做到解密真的不容易,需要很大的天分和驚人的記憶力,解密員的工作是非常關鍵的,一個解讀錯誤,那就影響了整個作戰的方向,佈局的地點不同,那只會使國家遭受到沒有防禦的攻擊,佈局正確,對對方敵國來說那就是一個陷阱。Relying on interception and decryption, each country has its own unique Morse code. It also needs to be decrypted when it is intercepted. It includes different languages in different countries and different ways of speaking. It is really not easy to decrypt, and it requires a lot of talent and Amazing memory, the work of the decryptor is very crucial. An interpretation error affects the direction of the whole operation. The layout is different. It will only cause the country to be attacked without defense. The layout is correct and the enemy is coming. Say it is a trap.

接下來就是彈藥充足,及飛行員及軍人的體力信心了,如果沒有了信心,那其他都是沒有用的,所以心肝脾肺腎在平常都得好好保養,就為了這一刻,因為戰爭不是20分鐘就能結束的,長達10年都非常有可能,而且這是第二次世界大戰中的一個序幕,這場戰爭是一個改變各國版圖中非常重要的一次戰役,日本軍官在最後戰敗時,仍然表現了大氣,要與軍艦共存亡,要年輕人走,自己留下,這就是日本的文化,因為戰敗是一種恥辱,但是他們怎沒想過留下來還可以計畫以後呢? 或許這就是國家民情的不同。The next step is the ammunition, and the physical confidence of the pilots and soldiers. If there is no confidence, then the other is useless, so the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are usually well maintained, just for this moment, because the war is not 20 minutes. It will be possible to end for 10 years, and this is a prelude to the Second World War. This war is a very important battle in changing the territory of the country. When the Japanese officers finally lost, they still It shows the atmosphere, it has to coexist with the warships, and the young people are left and left behind. This is the culture of Japan, because defeat is a shame, but how can they not think about staying and planning? Perhaps this is the country. The difference in people's feelings.

這場戰暫時由美國贏了,但是接連下去仍然很多起伏,戰爭到最後只是國家的輸贏,但在小編眼中,戰爭就是一種極大的損失,對於人民,對於人類,對於千千百百萬萬的家庭,不管種族國家,這都是一種傷害,與輸贏無關~但是就是有我們這些小我,才能成就一個時代,這是一個用血和淚交織的時代,他們仍然沒有停止生育下一代,這是我們這個時代該學習的,血淚交織,戰爭年代,我們都無法體會,如果允許的話,編編我還真想去前線救婦女救難民,雖然我很白,會馬上被狙擊,但沒關係我會塗黑@@This war has been won by the United States for the time being, but there are still many ups and downs in succession. The war is only the victory or defeat of the country. But in the eyes of me , war is a great loss. For the people, for humanity, for millions of people. The family, regardless of the ethnic country, is a kind of injury, and has nothing to do with winning or losing. But it is only those of us who can achieve an era. This is an era of blood and tears. They still have not stopped giving birth to the next generation. It is our time to learn, blood and tears intertwined, in the war years, we can not understand, if allowed, l really want to go to the front to save women to save the refugees, although I am very white, will be immediately attacked, but it does not matter I will Black @@







One of the films in this film is really memorable. Waiting for me , I am looking for it, I want to ring the caller when I XD.

Don't feel that you are a hero is a hero~

The true story of the war film is always the favorite of me ~

Score 10 points

Actor 10 points

The submersible bomber broke the table!!!! One word "handsome"~

導演Director: 羅蘭·艾默瑞奇 Roland Emmerich

監製Producer: 羅蘭·艾默瑞奇


編劇Screenwriter: 韋斯·圖克Wes Tooke








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